Cours du soir C2014 - Advanced level of fund accounting

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Anyone wishing to apply and to develop their technical knowledge in fund accounting.


  • Review the most used financial instruments, their specificities, valuation and impact on the NAV calculation.
  • Gain a deeper knowledge of the operations on shares (corporate actions).
  • Consider the different types of classes of Funds' shares/units (distribution, capitalisation, hedge, etc.).
  • Understand the process of Funds' dividend distribution (calculation, registration and settlement).
  • Manage the liquidation of classes of shares/units and compartment of Funds.
  • Gain deep understanding of the specificities of the Fund NAV calculation subject to its portfolio, charges/fees, Fund type, etc.
  • Find out the performance fees: estimation, provision, crystallisation, equalisation, etc.
  • Find out other specificities such as «swing prices», «draw down», «Private Equity & Real Estate Funds», etc.


Successful completion of the module "Introduction to fund accounting" (C2013E) or proof of equivalent certified knowledge.


Cours en présentiel
180 €