Cours du soir C3003 - Labour law: work contracts

Public cible

Anyone working in Human Resources, fiduciaries, law offices, etc. Persons who want to be aware of rights and responsibilities of employees and employers in this area, such as employee representatives, etc. Legal experts with foreign education backgrounds seeking to familiarise themselves with Luxembourg law.


  • Distinguish between the various types of work contracts: CDD, CDI and others.
  • Be able to prepare a CDD and CDI work contract.
  • Understand all the rules in the area of CDD temporary contracts and other temporary employment contracts.
  • Master the rules relating to trial periods.
  • Know how to manage the various events that could arise during contract periods, such as modifications, illness and other events.
  • Master the procedures and consequences of dismissals and resignations, to include reasons, disputes, process and unemployment.
  • Understand the reasons for automatic termination of contracts: retirement, bankruptcy, long-term illnesses and others.




Il n'y a pas de cours de prévu dans les prochains jours.