Cours du soir C6003 - Economy and statistics

Public cible

Anyone wishing to understand how to design statistical indicators, how to interpret and challenge the statistics understanding.


  • Understand the mathematical and statistical notations of variables.
  • Understand how to compute and interpret statistical indicators over the time : unemployment rate, Gross Domestic product.
  • Understand the computation of significant statistical indicators : Price indice.
  • Understand the computation of central parameters : Average income, Median income.
  • Understand how to compute and interpret the dispersion around the central parameters : standard deviation, decile, percentile.
  • Understand the link between different statistical indicators : correlation between the salary and the seniority.
  • Predict the evolution of simple statistical indicators.
  • Perform statistical tests.


Successful completion of the module « MS-Excel essentials » (C1320) or proof of equivalent certified knowledge.


Il n'y a pas de cours de prévu dans les prochains jours.