Cours du soir C1600 - Organisational, legal and technical basics of the Internet

Public cible

Anyone wishing to become familiar with the concepts and services of the Internet.


  • Becoming familiar with the vocabulary, concepts and services of the Internet.
  • Understand the purpose of networks, their properties and tools.
  • Becoming familiar with IP addresses, TCP protocols, DNS services, DHCP.
  • Use and configure emails, programming FTP's and Browsers with helping tools.
  • Know organizational processes and techniques to create and operate a web site.
  • Get to know the different aspects of IT security against protection of WEB dangers.
  • Acquire data protection skills based on confidentiality, integrity and availability.
  • Create a HTML page using a tree structure and link mechanisms between different files.


None. Nonetheless, it is recommended to complete the module « Creating web pages with HTML and CSS » (C1601) prior to enroll to this module or to have equivalent knowledge.


Il n'y a pas de cours de prévu dans les prochains jours.