Cours du soir C1612 - Concepts of creating dynamic Web pages using PHP

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Anyone wishing to learn how to create dynamic websites using the server-side scripting language PHP.


  • Install and configure a local web server as a development environment.
  • Understand the differences between client-side and server-side programming languages.
  • Get to know the different data types in PHP and learning how to use them.
  • Create and editing strings and texts with PHP.
  • Create HTML code with PHP.
  • Create, checking and handle web forms with PHP.
  • Send automatically generated emails with PHP.
  • Upload files.


Successful completion of the module « Creating web pages with HTML and CSS » (C1601E) and « Introduction to programming » (C1610E) or proof of equivalent certified knowledge.


Il n'y a pas de cours de prévu dans les prochains jours.