Cours du soir C1614 - Interactive Web pages with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and MySQL

Public cible

Anyone wishing to deepen their knowledge of previous courses from the Web Developer profile in order to be able to enhance the functionality of their Web pages.


  • Understand and apply the fundamentals of object-oriented programming in PHP.
  • Use PHP Frameworks.
  • The cake PHP framework in practice.
  • Interact Java Script PHP.
  • Use advanced techniques such as AJAX and JSON.
  • Create layouts, using jQuery, Bootstrap and ZURB Foundation.
  • Create multilingual websites - internationalization and localization.
  • Test and optimize the speed and performance of Web pages.
  • Make use of advanced server configuration.


Successful completion of the module « PHP and MySQL web development » (C1613E) or proof of equivalent certified knowledge.


Il n'y a pas de cours de prévu dans les prochains jours.