Cours du soir C1631 - Android Programming

Public cible

Anyone wishing to write programs for mobile devices running under Android operating system on the basis of their Java programming skills.


  • Acquire an overview of Android.
  • Install the needed software and running existing example applications.
  • Create and test Android projects in Eclipse. Understanding the structure of the given project.
  • Organize the screen. Different layouts.
  • Event Handling - Invoking Activities.
  • Networking under Android.
  • Multi-threading.
  • Graphics and Animations.


None. However, it is recommended to complete the module « Java crash course for programmers » (C1635E) or « Le langage Java : partie 1 » (C1040) and « Le langage Java : partie 2 » (C1041) prior to enroll to this module or to have equivalent certified knowledge.


Il n'y a pas de cours de prévu dans les prochains jours.