Cours du soir C1632 - Creating multi-platform mobile applications with HTML5, CSS and JavaScript

Public cible

Anyone wishing to learn how to create mobile applications that work on multiple platforms i.e. iOS (iPhone, iPod, iPad,), Android, Windows Phone, using HTML5, CSS and JavaScript.


  • The concept of Cordova Environment setup.
  • One code - multiple platforms.
  • Creating apps on your Computer.
  • Using PhoneGap Build infrastructure.
  • Access the device - storage, camera, media.
  • Use frameworks jQuery Mobile, Framework7.
  • Use Ajax, Network connections.
  • Create a complex, multi platform application.


It is recommended to complete the module "Creating web pages with HTML and CSS" (C1601E) and "User friendly web pages with JavaScript" (C1611E) prior to enroling for this course or proof of equivalent certified knowledge. A good knowledge of HTML5, CSS and JavaScript is necessary.


Il n'y a pas de cours de prévu dans les prochains jours.