Cours du soir C1302 - MS-Powerpoint essentials

Public cible

Anyone wishing to use the features of a presentation software to quickly create professional presentations.


  • Work with presentations and save them in different file formats.
  • Swap between different presentation views and choose different slide layouts and designs.
  • Insert and edit pictures, images, drawn objects and tables.
  • Choose, create and format charts as well as art graphic elements.
  • Improve the presentations by choosing the appropriate formatting options.
  • Control the advanced concepts of themes and styles.
  • Apply animation and transition effects to presentations.
  • Setup and manage the slideshow navigation options.
  • Print slides, notes and handouts.


It is recommended to complete the module « Office tools fundamentals » (C1300) prior to enroling for this course or proof of equivalent certified knowledge.


Participants are entitled to take the ICDL « Presentation » test free of charge.


Il n'y a pas de cours de prévu dans les prochains jours.