Cours du soir C1320 - MS-Excel essentials

Public cible

Anyone wishing to work with the features of a spreadsheet.


  • Work with spreadsheets and save them in different file formats.
  • Enter data into cells and use good practice in creating lists.
  • Select, sort, copy, move and delete data.
  • Manage rows and columns in a worksheet.
  • Copy, move, delete and appropriately rename worksheets.
  • Create mathematical and logical formulas.
  • Use the basic integrated functions of the spreadsheet.
  • Format numbers and text content in a spreadsheet.
  • Choose, create and format charts to communicate information meaningfully.
  • Adjust spreadsheet page settings before finally printing.


It is recommended to complete the module « Office tools fundamentals » (C1300) prior to enroling for this course or proof of equivalent knowledge.


Participants are entitled to take the ICDL « Spreadsheet » test free of charge.


Il n'y a pas de cours de prévu dans les prochains jours.