Cours du soir C7002 - Supply chain management

Public cible

Anyone preparing to take up a position as charterer, logistics agent, dispatch manager, flow manager or willing to enter a purchasing service, a transport organization service.


  • Understand the logistics chain concept.
  • Know the most common tools and methods used within this sector.
  • Apprehend the process approach and understand the notion of flow.
  • Understand the processes, the actions carried out at each steps and the challenges of better control of the logistics circuits: product quality, customer satisfaction, ecological footprint, etc.
  • Know the different modes of transport, their specificities, their limits and the opportunities offered by their combination.
  • Understand and analyze the concept of stream optimization and apply common associated methods: ERP or WMS management tools.
  • Understand and apply cost management.
  • Understand dashboards, design and select performance indicators.


Successful completion of the module « Overview of the logistics sector » (C7000E) or proof of equivalent certified knowledge.


Cours en présentiel
180 €
Cours en classe virtuelle
Classe virtuelle
180 €