Cours du soir C5063 - Introduction to non-verbal communication

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Anyone willing to learn the basic mechanisms of non-verbal communication and wishing to understand the impact of non-verbal language in their personal and professional lives as well as to learn how to interpret the non-verbal language of others both in and out of the workplace.


  • Evaluate the importance of non-verbal language in the interpersonal communication.
  • Understand your own non-verbal language - what is its impact on others?
  • Read the non-verbal language of the other people : what is its impact on your relationships and goals?
  • Distinguish truth from falsehood using non-verbal communication cues.
  • Analyse body language in all circumstances.
  • Adapt your gestures to different contexts in order to better control your image.
  • Learn how to highlight your personality (clothing, colors etc.) and how to effectively make use of space.




It is crucial to follow the sessions in order to pass the exam


Cours en blended learning
Blended learning (Luxembourg)
180 €