Cours du soir C3055 - Legal framework for the protection of personal data and its challenges

Public cible

Anyone in charge of informing management, making recommendations, advising employees on the data protection rules to be respected and verifying that the relevant obligations are complied with.


  • Knowing the key legislative texts and the practical implications of the main principles of personal data protection: lawfulness and fairness, transparency, integrity and knowing the different stages of compliance with the GDPR and the time required to implement them and integrate the components of the proof of conformity.
  • Being able to map the processing to secure the processing circuits and the personal data.
  • Understanding the apportionment of liability, identify the personal data processor, Informing data subjects (transparency), understanding the issues and risks of national and international data transfers and how to ensure the security of these transfers at the contractual level.
  • Understanding the rights of the data subjectand the limits within which those rights can be exercised, as well as the principle of free and unambiguous consent.




Cours en blended learning
Blended learning (Luxembourg)
180 €
Cours en blended learning
Blended learning (Luxembourg)
180 €