Cours du soir C6052 - Alternative Investments: PE - RE - HF

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The course is aimed at people who already attended the prerequisite courses or have already a foundation knowledge in finance. It targets people who want to become certified investment professionals and have the desire to be knowledgeable in a broad spectrum of financial products.


  • Understand private equity investments, their techniques and their characteristics.
  • Understand private equity risks and the way they are addressed in practice.
  • Understand real estate investments, their techniques and their characteristics and risks.
  • Undertstand hedge funds, their principles, investment techniques and strategies.
  • Understand how illiquid investments are used in a global portfoilio allocation and how they are managed.
  • Introduction to a cash flow based risk approach.


Successful completion of the modules « Financial instruments and markets » (C6050) and « Managing and selling investment products » (C6051) or proof of equivalent certified knowledge.


Cours en blended learning
Blended learning (Luxembourg)
180 €