Formation universitaire MTECH - Master MTECH Technopreneurship: mastering smart ICT, standardisation and digital trust for enabling next generation of ICT solutions

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The Master is mainly designed for professionals in the Smart ICT driven economy sectors, technopreneurs and anyone fulfilling the conditions for admission.



This Master degree aims for the students to transfer smart Secure ICT knowledge directly into technical innovation, through the prism of the competitive and innovative tool of technical standardisation, during their internship in collaboration with their company.

The Master covers various Smart ICT technologies, such as Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchains and Distributed Ledger Technologies, while addressing Digital Trust aspects related to these technologies (smart secure ICT).

It allows the students to:

  • master the smart secure ICT and Technopreneurship concepts and their implementation in the market
  • cater for the current and future issues and standardisation needs in ICT areas such as digital intelligence and digital trust
  • develop a prospective view on future and emerging technologies to assimilate, disseminate and effectively use the knowledge
  • take advantage of the benefits of ICT governance in companies and governments to control and effectively use the competences and resources of the organisation
  • measure the challenges of digital trust and information security for the development of smart ICT
  • identify the key principles and technologies to achieve smart secure ICT projects
  • understand how the voluntary technical standards process works, particularly in the ICT sector
  • identify and use published and draft standards relevant to business
  • discover the role of standardisation delegate working on draft standards
  • analyse the opportunities offered by smart secure ICT and create value for business through an internal standardisation strategy.

Technology Officer, Consultant emerging technologies, Digital strategy consultant, Smart ICT consultant, Innovation manager, Standards manager, Project manager, Head of innovation, Head of digital strategy and Technopreneur.


STANDARDISATION                                        ECTS

Smart Secure ICT and Innovation                         1

Technical Standardisation                                      3

TOTAL                                                                          4


SMART ICT                                                            ECTS

Smart ICT Technologies I                                       5

Smart ICT Technologies II                                      5

TOTAL                                                                           10



Security for Smart ICT I                                           2

Security for Smart ICT II                                          3

Trust Architectures for Smart ICT                         4

TOTAL                                                                           9


TECHNOPRENEURSHIP                                 ECTS

Management of Business and
Technical Innovation                                                 3

Digital Intelligence                                                     2

Legal Aspects                                                             2

TOTAL                                                                           7


MASTER THESIS                                                 ECTS

Master Thesis                                                             30

TOTAL                                                                            30


- Bachelor’s degree with at least 3 years of experience in a related field, or - Master’s degree in a related field, and - IELTS (International English Language Testing System) with at least 5.5 or TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language); 213 for the computer based test, 79 for the Internet based test and 550 for the paper based test.


Il n'y a pas de cours de prévu dans les prochains jours.