Séminaire CCNA1001 - CCNA: Introduction to Networking (module 1 of 3)

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Anyone with basic computer skills who wants to learn about the concept, configuration and configuration and maintenance of networks.


Networked systems are the backbone of modern information systems. They are rapidly evolving and adapting to changing infrastructure, consumer and cybersecurity demands.

As networks expand, companies are constantly looking for people with infrastructure network expertise in the fields of computer science, digital technologies, and infrastructure engineering.

This course introduces the architectures, models, protocols, and networking elements that connect users, devices, applications, and data through the Internet and modern computer networks - including IP addressing and the fundamentals of Ethernet.


Candidates will learn these core skills:

  • Describe the range of network technologies in current use.
  • Experiment with a practical networking environment.
  • Design a simple network addressing scheme.
  • Calculate an address range based on a given scenario.
  • Apply a range of networking concepts.
  • Implement foundational networking technology skills.

They will also be able to:

  • Build simple LANSs.
  • Perform basic configurations for routers and switches.
  • Implement IP adressing schemes.
  • Develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills using real equipment.
  • Configure and troubleshoot connectivity a small network using security best practices. 


This course will benefit anyone currently working in, or wanting to start a career in, a comprehensive range of globally relevant Digital Technologies disciplines including:

DevOps Engineer

  • Infrastructure Network Engineer
  • Cloud Technician
  • Cyber Security Professional

are just a few of the possible careers depending on your previous job and skills.

It provides the foundation of skills needed to continue on to the training needed to achieve these careers.

The course has a global focus and delivers transferable skills for diverse sectors and organizations.




No prerequisites.


Il n'y a pas de cours de prévu dans les prochains jours.