Cours du soir C1617 - Javascript Frameworks

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This course is tailored for individuals, such as aspiring or experienced web developers, aiming to enhance their skills in building dynamic and interactive web applications using JavaScript frameworks.


  • Framework Fundamentals: Understanding the core concepts, architecture, and features of the React framework.
  • Development Environment Setup: Configuring the framework environment, including installation and setup of necessary tools and dependencies.
  • Hands-on Projects: Engaging in practical exercises and projects to apply framework-specific concepts and deepen understanding.
  • Advanced Topics Exploration: Exploring advanced topics such as state management, routing, and component-based architectures within the context of the framework.
  • Performance Optimization: Learning techniques to optimize the performance of the developed applications.
  • API Integration: Understanding methods for integrating applications with external APIs and services within the framework ecosystem.
  • Deployment Strategies: Exploring various strategies and tools for deploying applications built with React to production environments.
  • Final Project/Application: Culminate the learning experience by designing and implementing a final project/application.


Successful completion of the module « Front End Development. HTML, CSS and JavaScriptt » (C1615E) or proof of equivalent certified knowledge.


Cours en présentiel
200 €