Cours du soir C2004 - Financial analysis

Public cible

Anyone wishing to learn the skills necessary in order to assess the financial health and performance of a company through examination of the financial statements and other information.


  • Establish an assesment of the financial health of a business.
  • Master the skills necessary to do so with regards to : analysis of financial activity; analysis of business structuring; and variance analysis.
  • Learn how to restructure the presentation of financial information in order to facilitate analysis; statement of profit or loss, functional balance sheet, balance sheet, statement of cash flows.
  • Calculate the main indicators of business health and performance: financing, and the ability to obtain financing; working capital and working capital requirements; solvency and liquidity.
  • Know how to interpret this information.
  • Propose solutions for identified issues.


Successful completion of the module « General accounting : current operations » (C2001E) and « General accounting : year-end operations » (C2003E) or proof of equivalent certified knowledge.


Il n'y a pas de cours de prévu dans les prochains jours.