Cours du soir C2005 - Calculation and accounting of wages

Public cible

Anyone wishing to know how to compute the different  parts of a salary (gross, social contributions, salary tax, net) and wishing to be able to book the salary entries.


  • Determine the different parts of a salary: gross items due by the employer, social contributions, salary taxes, payable net.
  • Determine the employer's social contributions.
  • Know different steps of booking the salary entries.
  • Verify the accounts based on the documents or files received by the administrations.
  • Apply the salary continuation system in case of long-term sickness.
  • Apply the regulatory administrative steps prior to hiring a new staff member.


None. However it is recommended to complete the module « Labor law: working conditions » (C3004) prior to enroling to this module.


Il n'y a pas de cours de prévu dans les prochains jours.