Cours du soir C2021 - Budget and business plan management

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Finance managers, controlling managers, project managers and entrepreneurs, who are in charge of budgets and business plans.


  • Understand the utility of a budget as a tool for managing business performance.
  • Controlling the progress of a budgetary procedure: preparation, implementation follow-up and the use of dashboards.
  • Learn how to put in place a management control system: strategic planning and operational objectives.
  • Know how to develop a business plan: market analysis, business concept, internal organization and evaluation.
  • Evaluate the feasibility of a project: self-financing capacity, cash, borrowing, pitfalls and traps.
  • Learn to control the different elements of the financial component of a project (investments, financing, turnover, etc.).
  • Operating expenses, VAT flows, working capital requirements, balance sheet and Profits and Losses forecasts.


Successful completion of the module « General Accounting : current operations » (C2001) and « General Accounting: : year-end operations » (C2003) or proof of equivalent certified knowledge. It is recommended to complete the module « Financial analysis » (C2004) or the module « Les techniques du contrôle de gestion » (C6009), prior to enroling to this module or to have equivalent knowledge.


Cours en présentiel
180 €