Cours du soir C5027 - Communicate with your team on a daily basis

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Anyone wishing to know the keys to communication with a their team.


  • Become aware of the importance of communication in team management.
  • Set missions, responsibilities and tasks and create function descriptive.
  • Use meetings as a management tool.
  • Learn to delegate and transmit information efficiently.
  • Address a criticism and deal with an error using several approaches.
  • Dialogue with your employees.
  • Conduct a welcome interview, goals set up meeting, etc.


It is recommended to complete the module "Transition to management" (C5029) prior to enrolling to this module or to have proof of equivalent certified knowledge.


It is not possible to register only for the exam in order to validate this module.


Il n'y a pas de cours de prévu dans les prochains jours.