Cours du soir C1601 - Creating web pages with HTML and CSS

Public cible

Anyone wishing to create or edit modern, easy to use websites, who has no knowledge of HTML or cascading style sheets (CSS). To learn how to create web pages to create and the pages locally and to get the knowledge of standard html5 and the WAI standards.


  • Understand the language in which web pages are created.
  • Understand the basic structure of web pages.
  • Build a system of web pages. Understand and create link connections between them.
  • Write a proper source code for the created websites, using only text editors.
  • Insert texts, images, lists. Create menus with links to other web pages.
  • Understand the concept of user-friendly web pages.
  • Understand and use the semantics of HTML.
  • Create web pages using cascading style sheets (CSS).



None. However, it is recommended to complete the module « Organisational, legal and technical basics of the Internet» (C1600) or «Introduction to programming» (C1610) prior to enroll to this module or to have equivalent knowledge.


Cours en classe virtuelle
Classe virtuelle
180 €