Cours du soir C1322 - Project design : MS-Excel enhanced

Public cible

Anyone wishing to efficiently design a private or professional spreadsheet project.


  • Methodical design of a new workbook.
  • Personalization of the workspace.
  • Working with large worksheets.
  • Do calculations with any integrated spreadsheet function.
  • Design user-friendly screens with the help of forms.
  • Use macros for the automation of repetitive tasks.
  • Integrate command buttons.
  • Seek goals, work with the solver, include data tables and implement data protection.
  • Realize and present a project.


Successful completion of the module « MS-Excel advanced » (C1321E) or proof of equivalent certified knowledge.


Participants are entitled to take the ICDL « Spreadsheet advanced  » test free of charge.


Il n'y a pas de cours de prévu dans les prochains jours.