Cours du soir C7000 - Overview of the logistics sector

Public cible

Anyone currently active in the sector wishing to establish his / her understanding of the sector and to take advantage of the possibilities of internal mobility to develop his or her job, or anyone considering retraining in this sector.


  • Learn about the origin, the evolution and the scope of the logistics core-concept.
  • Define the components of this sector, its challenges and its opportunities in Luxembourg.
  • Get an overview on the logistics functions: supply, production, distribution and demand management.
  • Identify the jobs and the profiles opportunities.
  • Understand the organizations and types of logistics companies: logistics and transport, industrial logistics, health services, events, etc.
  • Understand the concept of operations management, warehouse management and transportation management.
  • Use the English and French specific vocabulary.




Il n'y a pas de cours de prévu dans les prochains jours.