Cours du soir C7003 - Introduction to purchases

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Anyone wishing to learn about purchase and willing to get in charge of more responsibility such as purchasing managers and buyers, purchasing officers and top managers.


  • Understand the role of the purchasing department and the buyer in the organization.
  • Know the most common tools and methods used identify KPI and improvement actions for the purchasing function.
  • Apprehend the different phases of the purchasing processes from the strategic to the operational ones.
  • Understand and enhance the economic and financial impact of purchasing.
  • Learn the techniques applied for the spend analysis.
  • Learn the tools and methods used to select and evaluate suppliers.
  • Know the most important trends in terms of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and globalization for Purchasing.
  • Learn the approaches to reduce the supply risks in global sourcing.




Cours en blended learning
Blended learning (Luxembourg)
180 €