Import-export purchasing officer (EN)

This profile is aiming to prepare any motivated to take up a position as purchasing officers or anyone wishing to acquire and to develop its knowledge and practices in the field of international purchasing and willing to acquire more responsibilities within his job.

It extends over approximately 150 hours and aims to help participants:

  • gain an insight into a purchasing department and its organisation ;
  • understand economics and financial impacts of purchasing ;
  • know the fundamental purchasing process, its tools and methods ;
  • know purchasing standards (Incoterms) ;
  • acquire the fundamental and good practices by Prospecting and assessing suppliers and customers ;
  • know regulations and customs component on national and international (forms) ;
  • identify specifications of commercial contracts.

The candidate who wishes to obtain the diploma "Import-export purchasing officer" must pass 6 modules: the 4 compulsory modules of the profile as well as 2 other that can freely be choose in all domains.

Modules de cours recommandés

Pas de modules de cours recommandés.