Séminaire S-CM0027 - Understand and be successful in your customs declaration

Public cible

Administrative assistants, administrative executives


Master the basics of customs declarations.
Distinguish intra-EU and extra-EU operations.
Understand the basics of customs rules and special procedures.
Master special customs procedures and regimes.
Avoid disputes with customs.


  • Apprehend the international context
    • the international framework
    • intra-EU vs. extra-EU trade
    • the missions of customs
    • the role of VAT in international trade
    • the importance of security - safety
    • link between Incoterms and customs clearance
  • Master the customs clearance declaration
    • why clearing for export (or import) ?
    • who declares ?
    • customs clearance procedure
    • the chain of documents required
    • the 3+1 key elements of the customs clearance declaration:  customs code, origin and customs value
    • the last key element of the declaration: the customs procedure
    • fill out your customs declaration


Online training: computer and Internet connection required (+ ideally a smartphone for games).
The tools used for the exercises will remain accessible at the end of the training.


Cours en classe virtuelle
Classe virtuelle
220 €
Cours en classe virtuelle
Virtual classroom
220 €