Cours du soir C1615 - Front End Development. HTML, CSS and JavaScript

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This course is ideal for individuals looking to pursue a career in web development or enhance their skills in creating interactive and visually appealing websites. It caters to anyone interested in mastering front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build engaging user interfaces and experiences.


  • HTML Fundamentals: Learning the structure of HTML documents, tags, attributes, and semantic elements.
  • CSS Styling: Creating visually appealing websites through learning selectors, CSS properties, and cascading style sheets.
  • Responsiveness and Mobile Design: Understanding techniques for designing responsive websites that adapt to various devices.
  • JavaScript Interaction: Introduction to JavaScript basics, including DOM manipulation, event handling, and dynamic effects.
  • Form Handling: Implementing HTML forms and using JavaScript for form validation and processing.
  • Advanced CSS Techniques: Learning flexbox, CSS Grid, and CSS animations and transformations for more sophisticated projects.
  • Building Interactive Interfaces: Utilizing JavaScript to create interactive elements on the webpage such as navigation menus, carousels, and tabs.
  • Performance Optimization and Accessibility: Familiarization with best practices for optimizing code performance and ensuring accessibility for users with diverse needs.


Successful completion of the module « Introduction to programming (C1609) » or proof of equivalent certified knowledge.


Il n'y a pas de cours de prévu dans les prochains jours.