Professional in financial investment

This training profile is intended for persons providing investment advisory or investment management services, persons providing information on investment products and services and anyone wishing to acquire the knowledge and skills related to these activities.

It extends over approximately 150 hours and aims at helping participants gain an insight into:
  • General principles of financial markets ;
  • Understanding financial instruments and the specificities of portofolio management ;
  • The characteristics of the main investment products ;
  • The awareness of risks associated with these products ;
  • The product performance ;
  • The customer relationship while complying with the requirements of anti-money laundering and KYC regulations.

The candidate who wishes to obtain the diploma "Professional in financial investment" must pass 6 modules: the 5 compulsory modules of the profile as well as 1 other that can freely be choose in all domains.

Modules de cours recommandés

Pas de modules de cours recommandés.