Cours du soir C5045 - Create its motivational leadership

Public cible

Team leaders, human resources professionals or anyone with a management role in a company who wishes to implement different levers/approaches to motivate a team and develop its potential.


  • Understand how motivation is essential in leadership. 
  • Be aware of the different sources of motivation. 
  • Develop a leadership style that is appropriate for the team. 
  • Define the profiles of employees and assess their needs. 
  • Give meaning to daily activities by communicating and increasing information on work objectives. 
  • Create and share benchmarks so that progress is visible. 
  • Learn the leader's soft skills. 
  • Use the leadership toolbox. 


None. However it is recommended to complete the module « Communicate with your team on a daily basis » (C5027) prior to enroll to this module or to have equivalent knowledge.


Cours en blended learning
Blended learning (Luxembourg)
180 €
Cours en blended learning
Blended learning (Luxembourg)
180 €