What is meant by initial vocational training?

Initial vocational training is a system for providing general, theoretical and practical training with a view to obtaining a vocational qualification sanctioned by an official diploma.

All vocational training courses include a compulsory part of school education and a part of practical training in a company.

Vocational training can be organized in two different ways:

  • under an apprenticeship contract (a CCP, a DAP or a DT);
  • full-time at a secondary school (lycée) with periods of work experience (DAP or DT).

The courses that are organized under an apprenticeship contract do not include internships.

The trades and professions that can be learned in Luxembourg through vocational training are set out in a Grand Ducal regulation.

(last updated on 20.04. 2021)

Who organises initial vocational training and what qualifications does it prepare you for?

Initial vocational training is organised by the Ministry of National Education, Children and Youth (MENJE), together with the Chamber of Employees (CSL) and the employers’ chambers (Chamber of Agriculture, Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of Trades).

It is part of general secondary education and leads to one of the following official diplomas:

  • the certificate of professional ability (CCP);
  • the professional aptitude diploma (DAP);
  • to the Technical Diploma (DT).

(last updated on 20.04.2021)