Which vocational courses include internships?

All vocational training courses include a compulsory part of school education and a part of practical training in a company.

Vocational training can be organized in two different ways:

  • under an apprenticeship contract (CCP, DAP or DT);
  • full-time at a school (lycée) with periods of work experience (DAP or DT).

The courses that are organized under an apprenticeship contract do not include internships.

On the other hand, each full-time training course organised in a secondary school must include a minimum of 12 weeks of work experience over the entire duration of the training (normally four years for DTs and three years for DAPs).

The student trainee completes several periods of training, each of which must last at least four weeks. Internships are an opportunity to put into practice the knowledge and skills acquired in high school.

The following courses include internships:

Technician Diploma – DT
  Trades and training Number courses Total of duration in weeks
f Administration and trade 2 12
  Agriculture 3 14
  3D Design 2 12
  Graphics 2 12
  Image 1 12
f Electrical engineering, communication section 3 12
f Electrical engineering, energy section 3 12
  Natural environment 3 14
  Smart Buildings and Energies 3 12
  Civil engineering 2 12
e Computer Science 2 12
e General mechanics 2 12
  Automotive mechatronics 4 16
  Hotels 4 40
  Tourism 4 40
Smart Technologies – electro technologies 3 12
Smart Technologies – renewable energy 3 12
Smart Technologies – e-controls  3 12

f = courses that are also held in French
e = courses that are also organized in English

Diploma of Professional Aptitude – DAP
Trades and training Number courses Tota duration on weeks
Agriculture 3 14
Caregiver 7 62
Metal constructor 3 12
Cook 3 30
f Communication Electronics Technician 3 12
f Power Electronics Technician 3 12
Hotelier – restaurateur (1 year) 1 10
Machining Mechanic 3 12
Industrial and maintenance mechanic 3 12
Carpenter – Cabinetmaker 2 12
Forest and Environment Technician 3 12
e Restorer 3 30

f = courses that are also held in French
e = courses that are also organized in English

(last updated on 29.08.2022)

How do I find an internship position?

The search for a work placement is the responsibility of student trainees. Student must take the necessary steps to find a training organization willing to take them on an internship.

To do this, we recommend that you proceed as follows:

  • find out the exact terms of the internship (duration, exact period of the internship, skills to be acquired during the practical training);
  • find out about potential training companies in the region (via other students, teachers, social networks, the Internet, etc.);
  • a few months before the beginning of the internship, contact the companies by phone, by mail or by visiting them personally;
  • indicate the company that is willing to take you on as an intern to the internship office, which will check whether the company is authorised to train interns.

If the trainee has not found a training institution despite the steps he/she has taken, he/she can ask for support from the Traineeship Office.

(last updated on 20.04.2021)

Do I have to sign an internship agreement?

Yes, a training course agreement must be drawn up in writing at the latest at the time of entry into the course.

It is signed by the head of the school, by the head of the training organisation and by the trainee or his/her legal representative, if the trainee is still a minor.

It must include:

  • the name and address of the school represented by its director;
  • the surname, first names, identification number and address of the trainee, if he/she is a minor the surname, first names and address of his/her legal representative;
  • the surname, first names, profession, identification number and domicile of the employer, in the case of a legal person, the name, registered office and the surnames, first names and capacities of the persons representing it within the meaning of “the agreement”;
  • the objectives and training methods of the course;
  • the date and duration of the agreement;
  • the rights and duties of the contracting parties.

The Internship Office has a model of the internship agreement which they will have you sign as soon as all the formalities have been completed.

(last updated on 20.04.2021)

What should the student intern commit to?

Student trainee must keep an internship logbook and write an internship report.

For the duration of the training period, they are subject to the internal regulations of the training organisation which receives them and in particular to the respect of professional secrecy customary in the profession.

If they are absent for training, they must immediately inform the training organization and the secretariat of their school.

(last updated on 20.04.2021)

What does the training organization have to commit to?

The training organization undertakes to help the student acquire the skills set out in the training agreement. It may not make the trainee work on machines, equipment or devices that are not related to the learning activities listed in the training agreement.

Tutors in the professional environment carry out the following tasks:

  • they set up the internship with the tutor in the academic environment;
  • they host the student trainee;
  • they provide the student with the skills set out in the program;
  • they maintain regular contact with the school tutor;
  • they make sure that the internship record is kept;
  • they assess the skills acquired by the student trainee.

(last updated on 20.04.2021)

What are the responsibilities of tutors in the school and professional environment?

Tutors in the workplace welcome students to the program and help them acquire the skills to be learned during the course. They make sure that the work experience logbook is kept.

School tutors monitor the progress of the work placement course. They visit trainees in the training organisation and draw up visit reports.

(last updated on 20.04.2021)

How is the placement course evaluated?

Each work placement period constitutes a compulsory module. This module is assessed jointly by the Traineeship Office and the tutor in the training organisation.

The logbook is the main evaluation tool. It is used to document and evaluate student activities and experiences during the placement. It provides information on the placement locations, the names of the tutors, the start and end dates of the placement period and the attendance and absence of student trainees.

Tutors in the workplace assess the skills acquired by student trainees during the placement period using the assessment grid which is part of the placement log, while tutors in the school environment hear workplace tutors’ opinions.

Student trainees must write a report about their work which the school tutor evaluates.

In the final assessment, the Traineeship Office takes all these elements into account to decide whether a student has succeeded in the module or not.

(last updated on 20.04.2021)

What is the daily attendance time of student trainees in the training organization?

Each training period lasts at least four consecutive weeks, corresponding to 160 hours of presence. Student trainees must therefore be present in the training organization for an average of 8 hours per day.

If the prescribed number of hours of attendance is not reached, the duration of the training period must be extended accordingly.

(last updated on 20.04.2021)

Do student trainees get school holidays and vacations?

No, not necessarily, because the training periods can take place entirely or partially during the school holidays.

Student trainees are nevertheless entitled to annual recreation leave of at least 26 days.

(last updated on 20.04.2021)

Do student trainees receive compensation during the internship?

Traineeship allowances may be introduced on the basis of agreements to be concluded with the professional sector concerned. In this case, the trainee is compensated.

In the absence of such agreements, an employer may choose to pay a student trainee, but is not obliged to do so.

(last updated on 20.04.2021)

What should the student trainee do in case of illness or absence?

In case of absence, trainees must immediately inform the training organization and the secretariat of his school.

As far as notification of absence is concerned, they must comply with the company’s internal regulations.

Any unjustified absence of a trainee may result in the termination of the training agreement after consultation between the training office and the training organisation.

Trainees may not interrupt the training period on their own initiative. If a problem arises, they should contact either the school tutor or the school principal.

(last updated on 20.04.2021)

Are student trainees insured against accidents?

Yes, they are covered by the compulsory accident insurance as they are enrolled as students of the school during the whole internship period. Their status is that of a trainee student, as opposed to an apprentice student.

(last updated on 20.04.2021)

What other protective provisions apply to student trainees?

The legal and regulatory provisions relating to the protection of young employees and the protection of pregnant employees, those who have recently given birth and those who are breastfeeding are applicable to the training agreement.

(last updated on 20.04.2021)

What happens if the course is interrupted?

If the traineeship had to be suspended or interrupted for valid reasons, trainees must complete the outstanding period of the traineeship duration prescribed in the traineeship agreement by decision of the Traineeship Office.

If a student has not completed the training period(s) on the dates prescribed by the school, he/she must complete the missing period(s) outside his/her normal classes. The placement office must approve the student’s proposal for recovering this lost period.

(last updated on 20 April 2021)

Can the internship agreement be interrupted?

The traineeship agreement may be suspended or terminated for failure to comply with the provisions of the agreement or for disagreement with them on the part of the educational establishment and/or the training body. In this case, the party that is most diligent will notify the other parties. The parties concerned will meet for open proceedings with a view to resolving the situation in the interests of the trainee.

If no agreement is reached, the agreement may be terminated with immediate effect by the training organisation and/or the head of the school.

Student trainees must continue their placement with another training organisation, taking into account the activities carried out and the duration of the placement already completed. It is up to the school tutor to carry out an assessment for the remaining part of the placement.

The professional chambers concerned shall be informed.

(last updated on 20.04.2021)