05 May 2024

Un aperçu sur la formation professionnelle initiale et continue au Luxembourg en quelques clics

27 November 2023

Studying abroad or in Luxembourg: How are health care costs covered?


Students who have successfully completed high school often continue their studies abroad. How are they covered by social security and how do they get reimbursed for their health care?

The CSL, in collaboration with the ACEL, tries to answer this question in this publication.

The first part presents the general principles governing the case of Luxembourg students pursuing their studies abroad.

The second part targets foreign students studying in Luxembourg

05 October 2023

Mes droits et obligations d’apprenti

29 October 2020

Faire un stage ou travailler comme élève ou étudiant /
E Stage maachen oder als Schüler oder Student schaffe goen

18 January 2019

La CSL vous informe – Bourses pour études supérieures