Sports leave is special leave that may be granted, under certain conditions, in addition to the annual leave set by Law or by a special agreement.
The Minister for Sport, after analysing the file in relation to the eligibility conditions, decides whether or not to grant sports leave.
Traditionally, sports leave mainly concerned elite athletes likely to represent the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg at official international competitions (such as the Olympic Games) and their support staff, as well as judges, referees, and technical and administrative managers.
The Law of July 2023 extended the circle of beneficiaries of sports leave to include sportsmen and women who are members of a club affiliated to a sports federation, accompanying persons, volunteers and technical or administrative staff appointed by their clubs.
Athletes likely to represent the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg:
who are part of one of the COSL or LPC frameworks team or having a “specific project” with them;
part of an individual national selection or senior team of an approved sports federation in order to prepare for and participate in official international competitions.
Athletes who hold a license with a club affiliated to an approved sports federation in order to prepare for and take part in official international club competitions;
Athletes other than those referred to in the previous points who hold a licence from an approved sports federation, to take part in an official international competition and who have the joint agreement of the COSL or the LPC and from the Sports Minister;
Natural persons appointed to accompany athletes to official international competitions organised by the relevant international federations or to training camps;
Technical staff appointed:
To accompany sportsmen and woman to preparatory courses;
To take part in organised training courses;
Judges and referees selected by the relevant international sports federation to:
Take part in international competitions;
Take part in international training courses authorised by the respective approved sports federations;
Members of the administrative body of an approved sports federation, an affiliated club, the COSL or the LPC in order to:
Deal with the day-to-day running of the organisation;
Take part in meetings at international level;
Take part in training courses organised at international level authorised by the competent authority;
Natural persons appointed on a voluntary basis to take part in the organisation of international sporting events recognised by international sports federations located in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg;
Participants taking part in training organised by the “Ecole nationale d’éducation physique et des sports (INAPS)” or other training recognised by the Sports Minister.
To be entitled for sports leave, beneficiaries must have been continuously affiliated to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg for at least six months preceding the date of application for sports leave.
Sports leave is reserved for non-professional athletes, technical staff, judges, and referees who are members of an approved sports federation, and for people who exercise their function within an approved Luxembourg sports federation, an affiliated club, the C.O.S.L. or the L.P.C. in a non-professional capacity.
The number of athletes who can benefit from sports leave to prepare for and take art in official international competitions is limited to the maximum number of athletes authorised, including substitutes, according to the international regulations in force.
When preparing for or taking part in international competitions, the number of support staff who may benefit from sports leave may not exceed:
five people for a group of no more than ten athletes;
six people for a group of eleven or more athletes.
The text regulates out in detail how the leave is allocated and specifies the number of hours available to athletes on one hand and clubs or federations on the other.
To give an overview, the sports portal has posted a table online.
For the calculation of the number of days, only working days are taken into account.
The duration of sports leave depends on each beneficiary. The maximum annual duration of sports leave is determined as follows:
Number of days
90 days
Athletes with an Olympic, Olympic qualification or Paralympic project with the COSL or the LPC.
60 days
A technical manager supervising the athlete with an Olympic, Olympic-qualifying, or Paralympic project, as well as for athletes with a perspective or elite project with the COSL or LPC.
50 days
Per organisation, for individuals designated by an approved sports federation, the COSL or the LPC.
40 days
A technical manager supervising the athlete with a perspective or elite project with the COSL or the LPC.
30 days
Athletes who are part of the COSL or LPC elite team and do not have a specific project.
25 days
Athletes who are part of an individual national selection or senior team of an approved sports federation governing a competitive sport;
Technical staff appointed by an approved sports federation, the COSL or the LPC;
Judges and referees.
20 days
A technical manager supervising an athlete who is part of the COSL or LPC elite team and who does not have a specific project;
Athletes who are part of the COSL or LPC promotional; framework and who do not have a specific project.
12 days
A technical manager supervising the athlete who is part of the COSL or LPC promotion framework and does not have a specific project;
For athletes as defined by Law;
Natural persons designated by an approved sports federation, the COSL or the LPC.
10 days
Per club affiliated to an approved sports federation for individuals designated by the club;
For technical staff appointed by a club affiliated to an approved sports federation.
6 days
Athletes as defined by Law;
Individuals designated by a club affiliated to an approved sports federation.
5 days
For technical staff appointed by a club affiliated to an approved sports federation.
(last updated on 14.05.2024)
Specific provisions for administrative executives who are members of the administrative body of an approved sports federation
The yearly maximum duration of sports leave per approved sports federation is limited to :
Nombre de jours
Type de fédération en fonction du nombre de licences de compétition
5 jours
Moins de 1 000 licences de compétition.
10 jours
Entre 1 000 et 5 000 licences de compétition.
15 jours
Plus de 5 000 licences de compétition.
NOTE: For administrative executives who are members of the administrative body of an approved sports federation without a competition licence, the maximum annual period of sports leave per approved sports federation is set at two days.
(last updated on 14.05.2024)
Specific provisions for administrative staff, members of the administrative body of an affiliated club
The yearly maximum sports leave per affiliated club is limited to :
Nombre de jours
Type de club affilié en fonction du nombre de licences de compétition
2 jours
Moins de 50 licences de compétition.
4 jours
Entre 50 et 200 licences de compétition.
6 jours
Plus de 200 licences de compétition.
NOTE: For administrative officers, members of the administrative body of an affiliated club that does not have competition licences, the maximum annual duration of sports leave per affiliated club is two days.
The number of competition licences is fixed on 1 January of each year based on certified records by the approved sports federations.
For administrative officers, members of the administrative body of the COSL and the LPC, the maximum annual duration of sports leave is limited to five days per organisation.
For administrative officers, the respective administrative body shall fix the duration of sports leave per beneficiary and issue a pre-established certificate indicating the date of issue and the number of sports leave days allocated. A copy of this certificate must be sent by the respective body to the Minister responsible for Sports and by the beneficiary to his employer, as a supporting title.
Yes, sports leave shall be treated as working time. Therefore, during the period of sports leave, the legal provisions on social security and labour law shall remain applicable.
The duration of sports leave can’t be charged to the annual leave as determined by Law or by fixed by law or by a special convention.
Yes, the annual duration of sports leave is prorated according to the degree of occupation and the annual working time. The annual duration of sports leave is also prorated with effect from the first of the month following the beginning of the criterion which gave entitlement to the leave in question.
Unless the employer agrees, sports leave may not be combined with a period of annual leave in the event of a continuous absence exceeding the total amount of annual leave in question.
The cumulative duration of the different categories of sports leave per beneficiary is limited to a maximum of 40 days per year, except for athletes with a specific project, as well as their technical frameworks for whom the duration of sports leave can’t exceed the number of days as defined by law.
Can sports leave be postponed from one year to the next?
The annual sports holiday can’t be carried over from one calendar year to the next.
Examples :
1. Volleyball player
12 extra days: if he plays the European Cup with his club.
25 additional days: if accompanying the national selection of Handball as Physiotherapist.
ATTENTION : maximum accumulation 40 days.
2. Football Club 250 licenses
6 days for committee members (day-to-day management, international meeting, international training).
10 days to organise an international tournament in Luxembourg.
3. FLGym: > 5000 licences
15 days for board members (day-to-day management, international meeting, international training).
50 days to organise an international tournament in Luxembourg.
ATTENTION : the accumulation is not applicable for organisations (federations, clubs, COSL, LPC) but for individuals!
(last updated on 14.05.2024)
How do I apply for sports leave?
The applications for the granting of sports leave must be submitted to the Ministry of Sports by the accredited sports federation, the affiliated club, the COSL or the LPC on a form prepared one month before the date of the event for which the sports leave is requested, unless the entitlement is less than one month from the date of the event.
The application must be accompanied by an employer’s certificate of agreement in principle for the leave requested.
The Minister of Sports, after assessing the application, decides whether to grant or refuse such sports leave.
The form for each situation can be downloaded online and sent by e-mail to or via “” or by post to the following address:
Ministry of Sport Boîte Postale 180 L-2011 LUXEMBOURG
Sports leave may be refused by the employer if the absence of the employee resulting from the requested leave may result in a major impact detrimental to the operation of the company, the smooth running of the administration or public service or the smooth running of the paid annual leave of other staff.
(last updated on 14.05.2024)
How is sports leave paid?
During sports leave, employees in the private sector continue to receive their remuneration and enjoy the rights attached to their function. For each day of leave, they are entitled to a compensatory allowance paid by the employer, equal to the average daily wage. This allowance may not exceed four times the social minimum wage (see Social parameters).
Self-employed or liberal professionals under the age of sixty-five are also entitled to a compensatory allowance paid directly by the State. This compensatory allowance may not exceed four times the minimum social wage for unskilled workers.
Athletes employed in the public sector (by the State, parastatal bodies and public services subordinate to them, municipalities, CFL) continue to receive their remuneration and are therefore not covered by the compensatory allowance in the event of loss of salary.
The application for reimbursement by the employer and the application for compensation of a self-employed person shall be made based on a declaration to be submitted to the Minister of Sports in his or her powers and duties not later than 1 February of the following year the granting of sports leave. If the declaration is not submitted by that date, the right to reimbursement or compensation in question shall lapse.
The payment of the compensatory allowance is subject to the presentation of a pre-established certificate, duly attested by the approved sports federation, the affiliated club, the COSL or the LPC thus certifying the effective participation of the beneficiary of the sports leave if triggered the right to this leave.