What is the purpose of special leave for volunteer firefighters?

The purpose of this leave is to allow volunteer firefighters, who are engaged in a professional activity, to be released from this activity to:

  • take or give courses related to their volunteer missions;
  • provide leadership;
  • participate in humanitarian missions.

Who is eligible for this type of leave?

The special leave for volunteer firefighters is available to persons (at least 16 years of age) who are professionally active and who:

  • are enrolled in training courses;
  • are in charge of course management and instructor training;
  • have representative duties. Eligibility includes persons with duties of representation in Luxembourg and abroad include those of experts appointed by the CGDIS Board of Directors, leaders of the National Federation of Fire Fighters and approved associations and rescue organisations and any other person attending national or international events and appointed by the Minister of the Interior.

The following are also eligible for this leave, provided that they perform this function on a voluntary basis and that the leave is requested in the exercise of their duties:

  • Centre managers and deputy center managers;
  • Group leaders and deputy group leaders;
  • Chief of Staff and Deputy Chief of Staff;
  • the Inspector General, Regional Inspectors and Assistant Regional Inspectors of the Fire and Rescue Division;
  • the members of the executive committee and the members of the Bureau of Young Firemen commission of the National Federation of Fire Brigades.

Volunteers who participate in humanitarian missions outside Luxembourg to assist with disasters by order of the government, or at the request of the country or countries concerned, or as part of an international assistance group, may also accede to this special leave.

ATTENTION: This leave is different from the exemption from professional obligations. Employers are indeed required to exempt their employees who are members of a CGDIS emergency unit from their professional obligations during emergency situations requiring the intervention of the unit to which they belong.

Where the employer believes that an absence from work is abusive, the employer may refer the matter to the Minister for arbitration.

The employer may also claim restitution for losses incurred by the absence of staff.

What training activities are eligible?

The following training activities are eligible for this leave:

  • training courses for volunteer firefighters;
  • continuing education and training courses;
  • training courses for instructors of the above-mentioned courses and for first aid instructors;
  • training courses for employees designated by the employer to practice first aid, firefighting and evacuation of employees;
  • training courses for young firefighters;
  • training courses for inspectors.

How much time off do volunteer firefighters get?

The total duration of special leave may not exceed 60 working days for each beneficiary during their career in the relief service. This maximum of 60 days does not apply to lecturers. The duration of the leave may also not exceed a maximum of 20 working days per two-year period.

Also, not subject to the 60-day maximum:

  • centre managers and deputy centre managers;
  • Group leaders and deputy group leaders;
  • Area Chiefs and Deputy Area Chiefs;
  • the members of the executive committee and the members of the Bureau of Young Firefighters’ commission of the National Federation of Fire Brigades;
  • persons with representative duties.

In these cases, the duration of the special leave may not exceed a maximum of seven working days per year.

Volunteers who participate in humanitarian missions as part of the intervention group are not subject to any limit regarding this leave.

Special leave may be split, with a minimum of four hours for each period.

The period of special leave may not be deducted from the normal leave provided for by law or agreement.

Unless the employer agrees, special leave may not be attached to a period of annual leave or sick leave where such attachment would result in a continuous absence in excess of the total annual leave due.

Who should volunteer firefighters apply to for leave?

The request must be sent, along with proof of registration or participation, to the Director General of CGDIS no later than two months prior to the start of the leave requested.

In duly substantiated cases, the Director General may grant exemptions from this time limit.

The CGDIS issues to lecturers, centre chiefs and deputy centre chiefs, group chiefs and deputy group chiefs, zone chiefs and deputy zone chiefs, members of the executive committee and members of the board of the Young Fire Brigade Commission of the National Federation of Fire Brigades an authorisation bearing the date of issue to obtain special leave for certain executives of the rescue services. This authorisation serves as proof to the employer. Persons concerned shall inform their employer immediately of any changes that affect the special leave.

Can employers object to the leave?

Special leave may be postponed if the absence requested is likely to have a major impact on the operation of the business or to disrupt the staff’s paid annual leave.

Is the leave for relief volunteers considered as a period of actual work?

The period of special leave shall be treated as a period of actual work. During the period of special leave, the legislative provisions on social security and labour protection shall continue to apply to beneficiaries.

During the period of special leave, employees shall continue to receive their pay and benefits.

Who pays for special leave for volunteer firefighters?

The salaries paid during the special leave shall be borne by the CGDIS for the volunteer firefighters of its units. Reimbursement to employers is made following submission of a form issued by the CGDIS.

The salaries and allowances due to the special leave granted to the officials of the National Federation of Fire Fighters, as well as to the members of the approved associations and relief organizations, are borne by the State.