The Chamber of Employees, or Chambre des salariés (CSL), represents the interests of more than 620 000 employees, apprentices and private sector pensioners, residents and cross-border commuters in Luxembourg, regardless of their nationality or place of residence.

  • Its primary mission is to defend the interests and views of employees, apprentices and pensioners.
  • It is their voice in the legislative process and in the socio-economic institutions of the country.

The CSL is involved in the legislative process

It is a formal consultative body at the heart of the legislative process.

Each year, the CSL issues some 100 opinions on draft laws or grand-ducal regulations concerning:

  • the economy;
  • social issues;
  • social security;
  • labour law;
  • education;
  • vocational training.

As such, it defends the quality of life, the purchasing power, the rights and the social achievements of its citizens.

The CSL represents employees, apprentices and pensioners

  • it is present in various advisory bodies at national and European level;
  • it appoints the representatives of employees and pensioners to the National Health Fund (CNS), the National Pension Fund (CNAP), the Social Security Arbitration Tribunal, the Higher Social Security Council and the labour tribunals.

CSL informs employees about their rights and working life

  • it publishes theme-based books on labour and social security law, related to working life or of general interest;
  • it offers publications that deal with social and economic issues;
  • it writes position papers that contribute to socio-economic debates.

CSL is committed to the development of health, safety and well-being in the workplace

  • it reserves part of its activities for promoting and developing an ethos of prevention and to develop actions to support health, safety and well-being at work;
  • In addition, it offers a support service for victims of work-related stress via the Stressberodung.

The CSL participates in initial training programmes

  • it is in charge of apprenticeships with the three employers’ chambers (Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of Trade and Chamber of Agriculture) and the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth;
  • in this way, it is responsible via partnerships, for the design, organisation and supervision of apprenticeships in the commercial and administrative professions, in the crafts, in industry, in the hotel trade and in agriculture in the broadest sense;
  • it also contributes to the organization of technical and vocational education and is active in many national commissions and commissions in the field of training.

With its two training centres, CSL has been involved in continuing professional education in Luxembourg for 50 years

  • Through the Luxembourg Lifelong Learning Centre (LLLC), CSL is one of the main providers of continuing vocational training for adults. The training programme has been very successful, so much so that LLLC now has more than 10,000 registrations per year for all its courses. It also offers training for trade unions and staff delegations.
  • Through the Training and Seminar Centre (CEFOS), CSL offers a multifunctional infrastructure for the organisation of seminars and conferences open to all.