The Chamber of Employees (Chambre de salaries – CSL) was established by the Law dated 13 May 2008 creating a single status for employees with private sector status and merging the Chamber of Private Employees (CEP•L) and the Chamber of Labour (AK).

It is one of the five professional chambers in Luxembourg.

Each of the professional chambers represents the interests of a specific professional category.

Its members

All persons working in Luxembourg are obliged to belong to a professional chamber representing their professional category.

Accordingly, all employees, apprentices and pensioners who work or have worked in Luxembourg, whether residents or cross-border commuters, with the exception of civil servants and public employees, fall within the purview of CSL.

Currently, the CSL has more than 620,000 members. This makes it the largest professional chamber in Luxembourg.

Its missions

These can be summarized as follows:

  • a consultation mission, by drawing up opinions on draft laws and Grand Ducal regulations;
  • representative mission, through its presence in the State’s advisory bodies;
  • an information mission, through a series of publications on the world of work;
  • initial training mission, by contributing to the design and organization of vocational training for future employees;
  • a continuing education mission, by offering training for adults;
  • appointment of employees’ representatives to social security bodies;
  • appointment of assessors to labour courts and social security courts.

Its bodies

The Plenary Assembly is the supreme body of the Chamber of Employees. It decides on important matters, including the opinions to be submitted to the Government.

The Plenary Assembly elects a Commission which is the management and executive body of the Chamber. It consists of the President of the CSL, two Vice-Presidents, ten elected assessors, the Treasurer, the Chair of the Finance Commission, the Chair of the Equality Committee and two co-opted members.

Before the final vote on the opinions relating to a draft law or Grand Ducal regulation by the plenary assembly, these opinions are discussed and drawn up by the competent internal commission. There are currently six such commission.

To carry out their functions, the Plenary Assembly and the Commission are assisted by a permanent secretariat.