Plenary assembly - presentation

The Plenary Assembly is composed of 60 members.

It is elected every five years by all members aged at least 18 years. The members are elected by universal suffrage and according to a system of proportional representation, on the basis of lists presented mainly by the trade unions.

To ensure the representation of the different socio-professional categories, the members of the plenary assembly are divided into 9 groups.

The number of seats in a socio-professional category is determined according to the number of employees represented by this category.

What is the role of the Plenary Assembly?

  • to adopt the opinions relating to the draft laws and grand-ducal regulations submitted to it;
  • determine the guidelines for the activities of the Chamber;
  • to elect its president, vice-presidents, commission members and the finance commission;
  • to appoint the representatives of the Chamber of Employees to external commissions;
  • adopt the budget and the annual accounts.