Why Quality of Work Index?

In order to better understand the reality of the changing world of work and to commit to better work, reliable information is indispensable. For this reason, since 2013, the Chamber of Employees (CSL), in collaboration with the University of Luxembourg, has been regularly interviewing employees in Luxembourg in the representative survey Quality of Work Index Luxembourg (QoW) about their working conditions and the quality of work in Luxembourg.

The topics of the QoW study include work demands and workloads, working hours, cooperation with colleagues, room for manoeuvre at work, opportunities for further training and promotion, participation in company decisions and much more.

The survey is aimed at employees aged 16 to 64 who have a job in Luxembourg, regularly working 10 hours or more per week, who reside in Luxembourg or who are frontier workers from Belgium, France or Germany. The survey has been conducted since 2014 by the Institute for Applied Social Sciences (infas, Bonn, which maintains a branch in Luxembourg), on behalf of the CSL. More than 1,500 respondents to the survey (more than 2,000 from 2020) form the representative sample of people working in Luxembourg.

This survey, which is conducted every year, is used to monitor the evolution of the quality of life at work over time. It is a unique measurement tool in Luxembourg in that the data collected can be used to assess the quality of work and well-being by employees. Furthermore, trends in the subjective quality of work and well-being of workers are an indicator of social progress and can be used to measure the impact of policy decisions.

Surveys and reports

Each year, CSL presents the main results of the annual survey to the public.

Thematic analyses

The CSL also publishes specific analyses by theme (e.g. telework, working time, burnout) or on particular groups of employees (e.g. older employees, women, single parents, etc.)

Scientific contributions

Within the framework of the survey project, the scientific analysis and evaluation of the collected data is carried out by researchers of the University of Luxembourg (Department for Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences). The purpose of the scientific study of the project is to test and further develop the system, which provides valid and detailed information on the quality of work and more generally on the well-being of workers in Luxembourg. Here are the results of the scientific work.


The questionnaire is developed by researchers at the University of Luxembourg in collaboration with the CSL. From year to year, modifications can be made to complement the tool.

Data base

Are you interested in specific topics on quality of work? Do you want to know how satisfaction with income has evolved in Luxembourg in recent years? Are you interested in how women or young employees view their work-life balance?

Then use our quality of work database. It includes all data since 2014 and there is no better database to help you see how employees in Luxembourg are really doing.